Sunday, April 1, 2012

- FYI -

I don't regret to bring to your kind attention,
that you, gullible lady and sir, worthy of mention,
are the fortuitous victims of a guile April day prank.
No. I haven't yet walked the proverbial marital plank.

It is my pleasure to inform that, of you, I made a fool,
and all through the day, as you fell, I kept my cool.
As I revel in the fruition of my false marital communique,
I regret to inform, I will be apathetic to any adverse critique.

Yes, it is another case of the unwed boy who cried out "wolf",
with lies, treachery and masquerade, did he, you, engulf.
But, let it be known, that I seek not the fruit of marital bliss,
Singledom suits me just fine, nothing at all, seems amiss.

It is only for the blissful purpose of comedic poetry, did I mock,
on my binary mending wall, this business of pretend wedlock.
I shall kiss and make up, and seek atonement in poetic verse,
with that in mind, you have my kind permission now, to disperse.

April PAD 2012 Ahoy!!!!

 This is Poem 1 for Robert Lee Brewer's April Poem-A-Day Challenge 2012, my second PAD., which is conducted to celebrate National Poetry Writing Month, April. I will be writing a poem every day for the rest of this month, based on prompts that I receive from Robert, and you can follow my progress here on my blog, or in my Facebook notes, if you are in my friend list.

The prompt for this poem is : Communication Poem

The background: When the clock struck 12 midnight on March 31, 2012, I updated my relationship status to "engaged" on Facebook. Throughout the day April 1, "likes", comments and congratulatory messages poured in. Finally, at night, this was my "communication" to those that I pulled a prank on.

Form : Quatrain 

Rhyme Scheme: AABB 

Here's wishing a wonderful PAD to everyone who is taking part! See you on the other side! And please sign Oprah's No Phone Zone pledge, the link to which is there on your right. "That text can wait!!!"

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